The Power of a Vegan Lifestyle – Da Vegan Guru’s Tips for Wellness

Living a vegan lifestyle means abstaining, as far as is possible and practical, from anything that requires the exploitation of another living being. Of course, this includes abstaining from consuming animal products, but also requires attention to clothes, makeup, and many other facets of life.There are vegan alternatives available for virtually every product traditionally made from animal derivatives such as cheese, milk, meat, and eggs. This rise in availability has been driven by an increase in the number of vegans in the United States; one survey found a 300 percent increase in the number of people identifying as vegans from 2004 to 2019. Choosing to follow a vegan lifestyle means more than simply giving up foods made from animal derivatives, it also means making a concerted effort to live without harming other sentient beings. This means abstaining from wearing or purchasing leather or other products made from animals, choosing products that are cruelty-free and not tested on animals, choosing forms of entertainment that do not employ animals, and even making landscaping decisions that minimize the negative impact on wildlife. Adopting a vegan lifestyle demonstrates to those around us that we are serious about our love of animals and our belief that their suffering should be minimized. Living our values and walking the walk instead of just talking the talk is one of the most impactful things that we can do as animal advocates. Choosing a vegan lifestyle is a tangible, personal action that builds real effects from your love of animals, as it minimizes, as much as is possible and practical, the negative impacts that your choices have on nonhuman animals. Living a vegan lifestyle means that you are not contributing to the many negative environmental impacts of the animal industry. These impacts include deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas production. A key pillar of a vegan lifestyle is to do no harm. Adherents seek to minimize as much as is practicable the harm that they cause to the environment and animals. Another key facet of doing no harm is seeking to reduce the harm caused to other people, including those working in animal agriculture. The precarious employees of factory farms and slaughterhouses often endure dangerous working conditions and can have their injuries ignored

Vegan Lifestyle: Why Veganism Is More Than Just a Diet