Why You Need to Eat 2 to 4 Eggs Daily

Yolk benefits aside, the American Heart Association still advises against consuming more than 300 milligrams of dietary cholesterol a day. Additionally, the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines urge Americans to “eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible” to reduce heart disease risk. Since eggs have about 185 milligrams each, White recommends capping your daily egg intake at 1.5 as long as you choose low-cholesterol foods for the rest of your meals.

Studies support this recommendation. A study published in JAMA found that eating high levels of dietary cholesterol—and eggs specifically—may raise the risk for heart disease and death. That means that it’s definitely worth keeping an eye on your egg intake.

That 1.5 eggs per day number does change when egg whites come into play on their own. Ditching the yolk means ditching dietary cholesterol and calories, which means you can consume more whites to maintain the same level of protein as you would with a full egg.

There are roughly 3 grams of protein in a single egg white — half that of the whole egg — so it’s important to stick to 8 egg whites or less per day.


Eggs are loaded with choline, which helps support your: • Liver • Brain • Nerves • Mood • Memory 3. Eggs are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support the skin and have anti-inflammatory properties 4. Eggs are loaded with lecithin, which helps counter excess cholesterol 5. Eggs have B vitamins, which are great for your hair and many other areas of your health