Do You Know What’s In Your Toothpaste – The BEST(And Worst) Toothpaste To Buy!

About 75 percent of American community water supplies have added fluoride in them, and that, along with widespread use of toothpaste with added fluoride,1 is credited with reducing the number of cavities people get. The American Dental Association backs community water fluoridation as well as toothpastes containing fluoride. But there’s disagreement in the dental community, and some dentists…

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Symptoms of Stress in Children | Stress Management for Kids

Not all stress is a bad thing. Moderate amounts of pressure from a teacher or a coach, for example, can motivate a child to keep her grades up in school or to participate more fully in athletic activities. Successfully managing stressful situations or events enhances a child’s ability to cope in the future. Children are future…

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Aerobic exercises burn fat, increase endurance, improve breathing and heart rate, increase calorie burn, and improve overall health. People who engage in aerobic exercises experience faster weight loss. On the other hand, anaerobic exercises boost your metabolism, increase muscle strength, improve flexibility, and improve cardiovascular health. They increase endurance, build lean muscle, increase calorie burn,…

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Is Air Fried Food Really Healthier? | Talking Point | Full Episode

o be fair, an air fryer won’t perfectly simulate the texture of French fries cooked in a vat of hot grease. But it will get you closer to that crispy outcome than baking or steaming your foods will. “Air-frying creates that great crispy texture you’re looking for, without any oil,” Zumpano says.     What’s wrong…

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Muscle Knows No Age. 15 Minute Workout – Barbara O’Neill

The human body employs between 640 and 850 muscles. Some of these muscles are voluntary while others are operating without you even knowing. The heart is a cardiac muscle and an involuntary muscle. It just keeps beating without us having to initiate or oversee anything. Voluntary muscles are known as skeletal muscles because they attach…

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