#exercise #braingym #Gslide #kids How to train your brain? try it BRAIN GYM – STABLE GENIUS

Benefits of Brain Gym Exercises for Students and Children 1. It helps your child get sharper and smarter. 2. Boosts your child’s self-esteem and confidence level. 3. It improves health and boosts immunity and healing in your child. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGZqQjdoNTZkQlN1M2x4QkxuZlNKZE9xTTB5QXxBQ3Jtc0trZFM0cWtrVndCN2Q1ZTFEMk1pSjJBOE85bklPdWtER01mV3hXQXZmdzB6cnNfVVJudVpuZ2s3enNKWkNVcmNmd3ZudVo1bHdETUdwWUoybUx3ckZlUVF6UUFtejZpcUYzanNrcF9GNzNHc3BseVd2TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fparenting.firstcry.com%2Farticles%2F10-best-brain-gym-exercises-kids%2F

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Gravitas | Study: Humans can live up to 150 years

Research conducted researchers from Moscow, Singapore, and New York was based on the modeling of blood samples garnered from above 500,000 volunteers across Russia, the UK, and the United States to estimate the maximum possible lifespan of a person. One of the two subjects of research was the proportions of two kinds of white blood…

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7 Subtle Habits That Make You Mentally Strong

Healthy boundaries are essential to our well-being. Do you feel like a doormat for people to walk all over you? Or do you feel like a garbage can where all members of your social circle choose to dump their emotional baggage? Do you drop everything to help others all the time? These are signs that…

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