18 Things Your Face Can Tell You about Deep Health Problems

Balding – A sign of high DHT (testosterone) • Pumpkin seeds • Green tea • Zinc 2. Losing outer eyebrows – A sign of hypothyroidism • Iodine 3. Bloodshot eyes – A sign of liver issues and insulin resistance • Avoid junk food • Avoid alcohol • Get on Healthy keto and IF 4. Dark…

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How to Relieve Neck and Shoulder Tension (Fast Fixes)

Neck tension and pain can develop due to stress, working at a computer all day, poor sleeping positions, poor posture, or even improper breathing mechanics Neck tension can often lead to tension headaches and other spine issues. You can reduce uncomfortable or painful neck tension by doing neck stretches, using massage and heat, and by…

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What A Cup Of Black Coffee Everyday Will Do To Your Body

Some studies have shown that black coffee can improve skin tone by increasing blood flow to the skin. Additionally, black coffee can help reduce inflammation and acne breakouts. So while there is still much to learn about the benefits of black coffee for the skin, it seems likely that it has some positive effects.Many people consume coffee in…

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