10 Ways to Treat Anxiety Naturally and WITHOUT Medications!

As an integrative dietitian, plants and the way in which we interact with them each and every day has always fascinated me. Whether you realize it or not, plants have a profound effect on the way we feel both mentally and physically, and just spending 15 minutes in nature has been found to help reduce…

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Stress Relief | How To Relieve Stress | How To Reduce Stress

The importance of managing stress If you’re living with high levels of stress, you’re putting your entire well-being at risk. Stress wreaks havoc on your emotional equilibrium, as well as your physical health. It narrows your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life. It may seem like there’s nothing you can do about…

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Exercise or diet – Which is better for weight loss?

What we put into our bodies makes a difference and the benefits of eating a healthy diet are as numerous as the benefits of exercise: It decreases your risk for chronic disease, helps with weight control, assists in stress management, decreases the effects of aging and improves your skin and brain health. Sound familiar? The…

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COVID-19: Diet and Nutrition Tips for Kidney Disease Patients

Nutrition is an integral part of your health, whether you are trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle, prevent disease, reach a healthy weight or recover from a serious illness or injury. Loyola Medicine’s registered dietitians provide expertise tailored to the needs of each patient. Loyola’s nutrition team collaborates with other clinicians including doctors, nurses, speech therapists…

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Mental Health and Wellness During a Pandemic – Dr. Peter Yellowlees

Dr Yellowlees believes strongly in providing patient-centered care, and as such is able to see most of his patients either in his office, or in their homes or community settings using videoconferencing, depending on the patients choice and convenience.  https://health.ucdavis.edu/team/search/1256/peter-yellowlees—general-psychiatry—physician-health-sacramento

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Exercise and mental health

Stress is an inevitable part of life. Seven out of ten adults in the United States say they experience stress or anxiety daily, and most say it interferes at least moderately with their lives, according to the most recent ADAA survey on stress and anxiety disorders. When the American Psychological Association surveyed people in 2008, more people…

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20 Min Full Body Workout Routine for Beginners (Follow Along) | No Gym

According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), you should exercise for 150–250 minutes per week to lose weight. The organization also suggests that more exercise provides better results.2 If you want to keep the weight off for good, the ACSM prescribes a minimum of 250 minutes of moderate to high-intensity exercise per week. To…

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A healthy diet, a healthier world

Babies During this stage of life, it’s almost all about the milk — whether it’s breast milk, formula, or a combination of the two. Breast milk or formula will provide practically every nutrient a baby needs for the first year of life. At about six months most babies are ready to start solid foods like iron-fortified infant cereal and…

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Men’s Health & Wellness: Dr. David Thiel’s Top Tips

If you drink alcohol, limiting yourself to one drink per day will help reduce your overall health risks. This limit applies to everyone, whether you are a man or woman. In a report released on July 15, 2020, titled the Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, experts call for the U.S. Department of…

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Hansa on Medicine: Treating ADHD Without Medication

n the past century, conventional medicine has seen some amazing advancements in fields such as emergency medicine, pathology, surgical interventions, and more. However, it has also received criticisms for categorizing each system individually and treating symptoms instead of recognizing the interdependency of the whole person—body, emotions, mind, and spirit—and seeking to treat underlying causes of…

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